Beauty Of ‘MOMENTUM’- Hanwell Coffee Shop

Momentum: a coffee shop of positivity. Momentum is a lot more than its lattes and sweet treats - there is so much passion and care to be found behind the bar.


Currently, the shop is being managed by the Seferaj siblings, Mario and Ariola. Coming from a Greek background, the siblings realised the difference in perspectives regarding the hospitality sector between London and Greece. Ariola Seferaj, co-creator of Momentum, explains: “.

.We noticed, in hospitality, that people in [the] UK would treat it as undervalued..

.In Greece, where we come from, it is a career..

” Moreover she goes onto emphasise, “..They go for the people, they go to connect, it’s all about community there.

This is what we felt is missing here and this is what we will bring here.” With the mission to bring people together in mind, along with how each employee perceives life, Momentum’s contagious, buoyant atmosphere was created. This is reflected through captured smiles and uplifting quotes cherished on their instagram, as well as lively music being played forming an in-store pleasant ambiance when walking in.

Other than the coffee shop's overall atmosphere, what sets Momentum apart from others? Passion is demonstrated by each employee and is displayed through the quality of their work. They do this out of love. This coffee shop was never opened with the thought of gaining money; it has always been about the gift of giving, creating a community, and showing the Seferaj’s true intentions of unity.

Passion is what drives them, not wealth. Momentum is a place for all. All ages, genders, ethnicities, etc.

, are welcome in Momentum. It is a place to let-loose, relax, and have a catch-up with friends, with a coffee or sweet treat in hand. This is the beauty of ‘MOMENTUM.
