A group of people gathered in zero degree weather to watch the solar eclipse, showing the corona, at ...
[+] Vose Field in Westerly, R.I., at around 9:30 a.
m., on Jan. 24, 1925.
An estimated 10,000 visitors came to watch the event. (Photo by James L. Callahan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images) Exactly 100 years ago today, a total solar eclipse came to the U.
S. northeast, plunging into darkness some cities that experienced totality last April 8 —including Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY, and Hamilton, Canada. At its maximum in the Atlantic Ocean, totality during the eclipse on Jan 24, 1925 lasted 2 minutes 32 seconds—and far less on mainland U.
S. where it was seen from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Buffalo, the crossroads for the two eclipses 99 years apart , had totality for a minute and 47 seconds.
Nearby, Rochester went dark for 65 seconds. People in Rochester crowded the Pont De Rennes bridge (then called Platt Street bridge) while scientists from Kodak, the University of Rochester, and other institutions prepared observation sites to study the eclipse, historian Christine Norski told News 8 wROC last year. It clouded over just before totality—exactly as it did on April 8 last year.
The total eclipse of the Sun (USA). January 24, 1925. (Photo by adoc-photos/Corbis via Getty Images) Geneva, NY—which saw totality on Apr 8, 2024—was also in the path in 1925.
It was also clouded out both times. “When the sun rose the morning of the eclipse, it was a mostly clear day,” according to an exhibit by the HWS Archives last year. “Fifteen minutes before totality, the sun entered a dark bank of clouds.
By the time the clouds cleared, the moment of totality had long ended ...
clouds eliminated any chance of successful measurements.” Astronomers had hoped to launch a hot air balloon but were thwarted by 35-mile-per-hour winds. “It was only by superhuman efforts that the balloon was kept on the ground at all," read the Geneva Daily Times .
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He then used his notes to create a spectacular oil painting , now housed at Princeton University. According to Butler, about 19 small prominences—small explosions seen on the sun's limb—were seen during totality. Boston, MA - January 24: Time lapse of the 1925 total solar eclipse, made on a single plate.
(Photo ...
[+] by Leonard Small/The Boston Globe via Getty Images) A witness in Litchfield, CT, Richard S. Chisolm, said : “Then suddenly the dusk of a clear Autumn sundown, the horizons darkest and of a rosy glow, the vault of the sky dark blue gradually brightening in the direction of the sun, which, on turning around, I now found in total eclipse.” It lasted a minute and 49 seconds.
The sight of the sun's corona during totality, which occurred at 09:11 a.m. in New York City, surprised onlookers.
“The great size of the whole phenomenon, black moon, inner and outer corona, was what at first struck me most forcibly," said Chisolm. “The inner corona was of a brilliant silvery hue..
. blending into the outer corona, which also of a silvery hue, but less brilliant, reached outward..
. and faded away in streamers.” U.
S. President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge viewing Solar Eclipse from White House ..
. [+] Lawn, Washington DC, USA, Harris & Ewing, January 24, 1925. (Photo by: Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) It's what happened in New York City that the 1925 total solar eclipse is mostly remembered for.
Millions in the New York metropolitan area witnessed it on a clear but freezing day, according to GreatAmericanEclipse.com ). In Manhattan, 149 volunteers mapped the path of totality’s southern limit, predicted at 83rd Street but later confirmed at 96th Street, according to Space.
com . It proved that the moon's umbral shadow has a fuzzy edge. The USS Los Angeles, a U.
S. Navy airship, carried scientists and 500 pounds of telescopes to observe totality from the skies from the skies over New York and Connecticut, according to HistoryNet . Accompanied by 25 airplanes, the mission marked an ambitious collaboration between astronomy and aviation, though constant pitching and rolling blurred the astronomers' images.
Westerly, RI - January 24: The solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 1925. (Photo by James ..
. [+] L. Callahan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images) A total solar eclipse in this region won’t recur until just after sunrise on May 1, 2079, when New York City, Long Island and Martha’s Vineyard will be choice places for the 2-minute 7-second totality (in Manhattan).
New Jersey, Rhode Island and Massachusetts will all get a similar view before the path of totality exits north-eastern U.S. for north-eastern Canada and Greenland.
Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes..