Here’s a challenge. Using the five clues below, identify the company that is being talked about here. 1 Though I will soon celebrate the silver jubilee year of my listing, I have been around for over seven decades.
2 My chairman has published more than 100 research papers in my industry and hence it is not a surprise that I spend thousands of crores in R&D, amounting annually to around 8 per cent of my sales. My chairman’s father, who is my founder, had also published research papers after starting his career as a lecturer in a college. 3 I employ approximately 25,000 people across 25+ countries, about 80 per cent of them are below age 45.
4 While my sales have grown just about 40 per cent over the last five years, my profits have more than doubled and market cap multiplied four times to reach about ₹1 lakh crore. This is achieved without diluting my Return on Equity (RoE), which has been consistently about 20 per cent over the last one/three/five and 10 years. 5 My promoters continue to retain the maximum permissible stake allowed.
Last week’s stock: Force Motors Last week’s winner: Manjeet Kaur Comments.