27 Things From Amazon That Just Want To Make Your Life Easier In The Kitchen

Because cooking (and then cleaning up) is hard enough already.View Entire Post ›


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by Cierra Cowan BuzzFeed Contributor Link Facebook Pinterest Twitter Mail 1. An egg timer so you end up with perfectly ~egg-cellent~ boiled eggs — whether you want them soft, jammy, or hard! amazon.com Promising review: "I’ve used this product for many years (at least 15 years and I honestly think it’s been more years than that).

I get perfect eggs every time. It’s so easy to use! I add it in to the cold water at the same time that I put my eggs to boil and the red part starts turning a dark color from the outside in as the timing correlates to whether your eggs have cooked long enough to be soft, medium or hard. I wash this easily with a soapy sponge (never used in a dishwasher).

Two friends were recently fascinated by this so I just got them these as little gifts. I was sure to get them this exact brand as it’s what I’ve always used. I have never had to replace it and it has consistently gotten a lot of use over the years.

" — Mezzanine Daze Price: $9.50 2. A *crab-tastic* silicone spoon hol.