5 yoga techniques to aid in better glucose control

If you practice yoga regularly, positions like Bow Pose and Seated Forward Bend may assist with diabetes management.


5 yoga techniques to aid in better glucose control Particularly for people managing diabetes, yoga has many benefits beyond mere physical relaxation. Many health professionals advocate yoga as a means of managing diabetes due to its potential benefits in lowering blood sugar and blood pressure levels as well as improving circulation. If you do this regularly, you may lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and other diabetes complications.

Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose Relaxation is facilitated by this restorative inversion. When you relax, your stress levels go down, which means your blood sugar and blood pressure go down as well. It has the potential to improve circulation, give you more energy, and alleviate headaches.

Muscles worked: hamstrings, pelvic muscles, lower back, front torso, and back of the neck How to do this? 1.Gather a blanket or towel and fold it up to use as a seat. 2.

Lean against a wall on your right side while you sit. 3.To get into a flat back position, swing your legs up the wall as you roll over onto your back.

Turn your torso so that it forms a right angle with the wall. 4.Sit with your back against the wall if at all feasible.

5.Straighten up your shoulders, jaw, and throat. 6.

With your palms facing up, extend your arms to the side. 7.Hold this position for five to fifteen minutes.

8.Gently lower your legs to the side to release. Reclining Bound Angle Pose If you're feeling anxious, try this restorative pose.

You may find that your blood pressure and suga.