7 reasons you keep waking up at night — and how to start sleeping through instead

If you fall asleep fast but keep waking up at night, you’re not alone. Here, a sleep expert reveals why it happens and how to sleep through instead.


Many of us can fall asleep easily but suddenly find ourselves waking up at night. If you’re one of the 35% of people who wake in the night at least three times a week, several factors could be causing it. “Waking up briefly during the night is a normal,” explains Maryanne Taylor, sleep consultant and founder of The Sleep Works .

“When we transition through sleep cycles, we have a partial awakening, although we may not remember it. If, however, we often find ourselves fully awake, this can then cause us to stay awake for some time, leaving us feeling exhausted by the morning.” Night waking’s a problem when it starts to interfere with overall sleep quality and daytime functioning.

“If you consistently wake up for more than 30 minutes during the night, it may be indicative of a larger sleep issue so it’s important to address any underlying factors contributing to the problem,” explains Maryanne. Here the sleep expert explains the common reasons behind why you keep waking up at night, how to stop it, and how to start sleeping through instead. If you feel your bed is one of the culprits behind your frequent night wakings, then consider investing in the best mattress for your sleep style and body too – the more comfortable you are at night, the sounder you'll sleep.

Consuming large or heavy meals close to bedtime can increase metabolic activity making it more difficult to stay asleep all night. “The body requires energy to digest food, and if digestion is stil.