Drink black tea every day: Doctors explain how it can kill Covid virus in the mouth

Researchers noted that standard black tea can help cut Covid virus levels by 99.9%. Following this, mint, raspberry, green and eucalyptus teas can cut the levels by 96%. This is credited to polyphenols and micronutrients that are naturally found in plants.


Researchers noted that standard black tea can help cut Covid virus levels by 99.9%. Following this, mint, raspberry, green and eucalyptus teas can cut the levels by 96%.

This is credited to polyphenols and micronutrients that are naturally found in plants. New Delhi: Drinking a cup of tea can work wonders to kill the Covid virus in the mouth, says a new study. For this, researchers evaluated five types of tea to see just how effective all of them are against the SARS-CoV-2 virus at cutting its levels in the oral cavity.

For this, researchers put tea in hot water for 15 minutes and brewed the same at two different concentrations. The teas were then incubated with Covid. After five minutes, it was noted that tea with a stronger concentration could help reduce virus activity in just 10 seconds.

Which forms of tea are best for health? Researchers noted that standard black tea can help cut Covid virus levels by 99.9%. Following this, mint, raspberry, green and eucalyptus teas can cut the levels by 96%.

This is credited to polyphenols and micronutrients that are naturally found in plants. Researchers also found that gargling is an effective technique to deactivate the virus in the saliva. However, it is not an effective replacement for the vaccine.

Experts say that although this study does not establish tea as a standalone remedy for Covid virus in the nose, it still can create an extra layer of intervention which patients and families can include in their routine easily. What are .