'Fallout but in Excel' Lets You Visit the Wasteland While Your Boss Thinks You're Working

If you thought that Excel spreadsheets were just for mind-numbing office work, think again. A gaming hobbyist has created an Excel-based RPG game that he based on the popular post-apocalyptic game Fallout. It’s the end of the world, all over again.Read more...


If you thought that Excel spreadsheets were just for mind-numbing office work, think again. A gaming hobbyist has created an Excel-based RPG game that he based on the popular post-apocalyptic game . It’s the end of the world, all over again.

How do you turn spreadsheet software into a video game? Don’t ask me because I have less than zero idea. That said, the game’s creator, YouTuber “Dynamic Pear,” has offered a on how to use his weird, makeshift game that was developed via everybody’s least favorite office software. On , “Pear” gives a brief description of the game’s story like so: The YouTuber explains that his game has two components: “Mapping and Questing” and “Battling.

” You can move through the various areas of the bombed-out RPG environment...


or you can duel with the various characters you encounter along the way. The also offers more details about the various quirks of the gameplay and includes a link where you can download the game. The inspiration behind this creation, is a popular post-apocalyptic video game that takes place after a nuclear war.

The first version of it was originally released in 1997 and was playable on Mac, Windows, and MS-DOS. It was originally spawned by a previous 1988 game, dubbed . Since then, there have been four sequels and a number of spinoffs.

But the big reason we’re seeing this now is that the Amazon Prime Video TV series based on the games has and inspired people to head back to the experiences that sta.