Ghee: The ancient secret to glowing skin and health [8 benefits]

Ghee benefits for skin and body: Desi ghee offers a wealth of health benefits beyond the kitchen. From boosting your immune system to promoting glowing skin, ghee can be a powerful addition to your diet and beauty routine. Discover the secrets of ghee and how it can supercharge your health and well-being!


Ghee benefits for skin and body: Desi ghee offers a wealth of health benefits beyond the kitchen. From boosting your immune system to promoting glowing skin, ghee can be a powerful addition to your diet and beauty routine. Discover the secrets of ghee and how it can supercharge your health and well-being! Mumbai: Ghee holds a significant place in Indian cuisine, offering both flavour and numerous health advantages.

It complements dishes like dal, roti, and sabji, contributing to their taste and nutritional value. According to Ayurveda, ghee acts as a rejuvenator or rasayana, benefiting overall health. Its consumption throughout the year is good but particularly advantageous during the summer months.

Traditional wisdom extols its virtues, likening it to gold in ancient scriptures. Let’s explore some of the remarkable benefits of ghee: Embrace the wisdom of generations past and savour the goodness of ghee in your meals, recognising its multifaceted benefits for both health and culinary delight. Incorporating ghee into your diet not only enhances flavour but also offers a range of health benefits, particularly suited to the demands of the summer season.
