GOLDSTEIN: Appeasing Jew-haters emboldens them


The city of Ottawa handed Canada’s Jew-haters a propaganda victory this week when it announced it is cancelling an annual ceremony scheduled for May 14, marking the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. Why? Presumably because Ottawa’s municipal officialdom is afraid that Jew-haters might disrupt it and become violent. Of course, the city didn’t put it that way in a statement on Tuesday announcing its decision.

After all, an appeaser — famously described by Winston Churchill as “one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last” — seldom says what he or she actually means. The city of Ottawa, in explaining its decision, said: “After consulting with the Ottawa Police Service and stakeholders, the City is following recommendations based on safety and security considerations to not hold a public ceremony this year. This decision is based on recent intelligence that suggests hosting a public ceremony poses a substantial risk to public safety.

“The City must prioritize the safety of its residents, visitors, and employees. Therefore, this year’s commemoration will occur without the customary ceremony. The decision reflects a commitment to safeguarding the welfare of all Ottawa residents, while upholding principles of inclusivity and respect for diplomatic relations.

” Normally the city, according to its statement, “celebrates national holidays and independence days and holds flag-raising events and activities, in collaboration with Global Affairs Canad.