AMR provides full scholarships to boost paramedic pool in greater Portland area

With response times hindered by a shortage of first responders, the Portland metro ambulance provider hopes to boost paramedic numbers this way.


CLACKAMAS, Ore. — With an ongoing shortage of paramedics and lagging response times , ambulance provider American Medical Response is paying for full scholarships to grow the number of paramedics working in the greater Portland area. At the College of Emergency Services in Clackamas, a current class of 32 paramedic interns are learning life-saving skills, with another class of 30+ set to start later this year.

CES EMS Program Director Lauren Enright said AMR is paying for full scholarships for about 20 students in the current class, an estimated $20,000 value for each person, while paying for partial scholarships for most of the other students. RELATED: Why ambulance provider AMR says Multnomah County's emergency medical system is in a state of crisis Daniel Yandell, an EMT for AMR in Clark County, said he wanted to take the next step up in his career and become a paramedic while still working as an EMT. "To become more confident in my knowledge, because one of the biggest questions I had as an EMT is the why," Yandell said.

To accept a full scholarship, paramedic interns need to agree to a 2-year contract to work for AMR in a local county after graduation and licensure. "I understand there’s a paramedic shortage, I’m not too keen on the ins and outs of it, but I do know it’s definitely an opportunity and one I’m grateful to the school for having — to step into that role," Yandell said. Enright said the school offers classes two days a week so EMTs can continue wo.